O Plasticville Hobo Jungle
Since 1947, hobbyists and collectors have made Plasticville® U.S.A. products their structures of choice. Throughout its history, the Plasticville® line has added many buildings and accessories that offer a fun challenge to collectors (you can even join the Plasticville Collectors Association!). Many items are still produced from their original molds. For hobbyists, Plasticville® pieces add character and dimension to layouts in HO, O, and N scale.
Featured Products

O RTR 2024 Christmas Boxcar

HO Medium Straight Tunnel

HO Jingle Bell Express Steam Freight Set/0-6-0

Ford C-600 City Holiday Delivery Truck Coca-Cola Skill 2

Sauber F1 #77 C44 Stake FY

O B/U Kids Clubhouse

Chrome Spray

O RTR The Polar Express 20th Anniversary Handcar – Gold-plat

Buffalo Snow Flurries Extra Fine

Giant Raceway Set w/o Digital Lap Counter